Volume 10 Number 52 Produced: Wed Dec 8 17:56:28 1993 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: An interesting (posisbly new?) thought on the Holocaust [David Charlap] Differences Between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Sifrei Torah [Benjamin Edinger] Holocaust [Raphael Neuman] Holocaust and Gedolim [Lisa Gardner] Reuven, Yosef and the Pit [Joel Goldberg] Tefillin [Michael Broyde] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <dic5340@...> (David Charlap) Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 12:52:19 -0500 Subject: An interesting (posisbly new?) thought on the Holocaust I came up with this idea yesterday. I was thinking of the recent discussion on why the great rabbis didn't order the Jews out of Europe, and why some told their followers to remain. The common explanation was that God hid the future from them, so they would decide the way they were. But it occurred to me that they might acutally have known, and chose their decision for a reason. I then started to think of a possible reason, and I suddenly made a connection between Hitler's ravaging Europe and the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah. If you recall, God was willing to save the cities of Sodom and Gommorah from destruction if He could find but ten people living there that were as righteous as Lot was (and he wasn't particularly great, we're told). Well, perhaps the same held here. Perhaps God had wanted to completely destroy all of Europe, and it was the merits of the Jews that He "merely" destroyed some of it. Perhaps, without the Jews remaining behind, God's destruction of the continent would have been complete. The idea is not so far fetched as it sounds. Historically, every nation that expelled its Jews has collapsed soon afterwards. The best example is Spain, after the Inquisition. Anyway, I figured I'd post this theory and see what responses I get out of it. -- David ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Benjamin Edinger <ta-bwe0@...> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:18:18 -0500 Subject: Differences Between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Sifrei Torah In response to the question Malcolm Isaacs asked about the differences in text between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Sifrei Torah I would like to offer a few sources. Differences in Words: 1. Devarim 23:2 - see Minchat Shai. See also Rav Ovadya Yoseph's Ychaveh Da'at vol 6. sec 56. This is the most well know of the differences between Ashkenazi and Sephardi Sifrei Torah. The Ashkenazim have the word "daka" with an "aleph". The Sephardim have it with a "hey ." It is interesting to note that the Taymanim, like the Ashkenazim, have "daka" with an "aleph" (see Ychaveh Da'at). 2. Berashit 9:29 -see Minchat Shai. The Minchat Shai says that some Ashkenazi Sifrei Torah have an "extra" "vav" at the end of the word "vahyhe" making it "vaheyu." The Minchat Shai concludes that the "sifarim miduyakkim" do not have the "vav". Again it is interesting to note that the Taymanim have the "extra" "vav" just as some Ashkenazim (see Ychaveh Da'at). Differences in Malei and Chaser: Variations in malei and chaser in the text of the Torah are numerous. One need only glance at a random page of Minchat Shai to verify this. These variations are often irrespective of ethnicity (Sephardi/Askenazi). Many of these differences between various Sifrei Torah are at least as old as the Gemara. The Gemara in Kiddushin 30a quotes the "Sofrim" as saying that the "vav" of Gechon marks the middle of the Torah. Rav Yoseph (circa 300 C.E.) asked if the "vav" is part of the first or second half of the Torah. (He must have known that there were and even # of letters in the Torah.)The Gemara suggests taking out a Sefer Torah and counting. To which they respond "we are not experts in melaot and chasarot." Thus we see that even in the times of the Gemara there were uncertainties in the text of the Torah with regard to malei and chaser. Differences in Spacing: It should be noted that there also exists variations in the spacing of the text of the Torah. For example: Vayekra 7:22 - There is a debate amongst the poskim if there is to be a parsha ptucha at this point in the text or no parsha at all. The Rambam in Hilchot Sefer Torah perek 8 lists all the parshot in the Torah. There is a machloket between the Hagot Maymoni and the Keseph Mishna whether this one is included or excluded from the Rambam's list. The most widely accepted opinion (by Askenazim and Sephardim) is that of the Keseph Mishna that there is no parsha at this point. (The Taymanim do have a parsha ptucha) I would like to add two points. A. Despite these differences the text of the Torah is incredibly accurate. Due to the strict halachic standard for writing a Sefer Torah (see Rambam's Hilchot Sefer Torah) the variations that have been introduced are relatively few and minor. In comparison, Neviim and Ketuvim where there is a much more lenient standard for the text (see Rambam's Hilchot Migillah) there is much more variation. (even entire psukim are questionable see Yehoshua 21. ) B.At first glance it seems unusual that the Taymani text is more similar to the Ashkenazi text than to the Sephardi text (see above 1&2). One would assume that the limited contact that there was with Tayman would have been with Taymain's neighbors.Thus the Taymani text should be closer to the Sephardi text than the Ashkenazi. However, it must be realized that it takes only one "miduyak" Sefer Torah from abroad to affect an entire community. Sofrim of the recipient community will meticulously copy the imported Sefer Torah. Thus it is easy to imagine how such variations could spread even between communities with limited contact. Benjamin and Shlomit Edinger ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <rneuman@...> (Raphael Neuman) Date: 7 Dec 93 12:38:45 GMT Subject: Holocaust There has been much discussion about the holocaust in the past issues of mail.jewish. Here is some additional input on the matter. My parents are survivors of the terrible inferno that engulfed the Jews of Europe, a fire that not only killed so many Jews, but that also destroyed so many beautiful Kehillos, great Yeshivos and wonderful communities that we can only attempt to rebuild. A few years ago a fellow holocaust survivor told my father "I am envious of a person that can believe. How could G-D have just stood by during the holocaust." My father answered "Who says G-D just stood by, it was G-D's will." My father proceeded to quote his friend a Pasuk in Parshath Hazinu, chapter 32, verse 30 "How could one chase a thousand and two chase ten thousand, if not their ROCK (G-D) surrendered them and the LORD had handed them over!" Such tragedies can only happen with the will of G-D. In Grace after meals we pray "vekol tuv uh m'kol tuv leolam al yechasreinu", "and all the good and of all the good we should never lack." I heard a nice explanation to the redundancy of the words "kol tuv", "all the good." G-D knows what is best for us, whether we comprehend it as good or not. Our prayer to G-D is let the good that you have in store for us be truly good. Many people suffer from medical, financial and other difficulties, that is part of G-Ds plan, and that is why we pray that the good be truly good. R. Neuman ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lisa Gardner <gardner@...> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 10:45:44 EST Subject: Re: Holocaust and Gedolim The following is from the book "Dawn before Darkness" by Ezriel Tauber. It is in the Questions and Answers section. Question 2: Why didn't the great rabbis of the prewar Europe tell Jews to leave Europe and emigrate en masse to Israel or America? Answer: You cannot outsmart Hashem. This is a basic Torah teaching. The last thing Yosef (Joseph), and our forefather Yaakov wanted, was to go down to the land of Egypt. However, this was Hashem's decree, and the unforeseen string of events behind the sale of Yosef and the family's subsequent descent into Egypt came about despite everyone's great efforts to avoid it. Sometimes, Hashem issues a decree and there is no escape. It goes so far that He will even confuse the mind of the wisest of men, if need be. The Gemara teaches us that when the great Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai came before the Roman general Vespasian and failed to take the opportunity to ask him to spare Jerusalem, that was an example of Hashem "twisting the wise man around," (i.e. confusing even the wisest of men). The same can be said about the rabbis in Europe before the Holocaust: When Hashem issues a decree, He even takes away the minds of the rabbis. This is part of the decree. On the other hand, it is possible that some rabbis knew exactly what was going to happen and still chose not to reveal it. The precedent for this is also in the Torah. While Yaakov was suffering over the loss of Yosef, Chazal tell us that Yitzchak knew exactly what had happened to Yosef and where he was. Nevertheless, Yizchak refrained from telling his son Yaakov because he knew the matter had to remain hidden. So, too, we can assume that the inevitable was not hidden from certain rabbis in prewar Europe, but they knew the matter had to remain hidden. The great Chofetz Chaim did indeed publicly exhort people to change their ways, numerous forewarning them with visionary insight of the ominous path they were heading down. Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk wrote in the book posthumously published in 1927: "Those who think Berlin is Jerusalem ... [will cause] a howling stormwind will arise [and bring about their destruction]." (Meshech Chochmah, Vayikra 26:44) Of course whether they knew or did not know, the truth is that there was no place to run. America had closed its gates to immigrants and England had even tighter clamps around Palestine. As is well-known, a boat full of escapees from Hitler's Holocaust sought entry into the "free" world and was sent back to Europe. There was no place to run. The rabbis knew that just as everyone else did. Rather than directing people to emigrate en masse to Palestine, the great rabbis realized that without the people undergoing inner change, no emigration or other action would be able to prevent the inevitable. Let us say that somehow the British and Arabs allowed millions of Jews to settle in Palestine before the war. Rommel (Germany's greatest general) was at the doorstep of Palestine in 1940. The Jews who were already there survived only because of a last minute miracle which led to Rommel's defeat. Nevertheless, had Hashem willed it, Jews in Palestine would have been just as vulnerable to extermination at the hands of the Nazis as they were in Europe. Instead of Poles and Europeans energetically helping the Nazis exterminate the Jews, we can be sure that the infamous Mufti of Jerusalem would have had little problem inspiring the Arab masses to do the job of geocide at least as well. The botton line is: You cannot outsmart Hashem. Despite the inevitability of the fate of the Jews of Europe, there was a great advantage to seeking out the advice of -- and then listening to -- the words of the leading Torah sages. If, in the end, one was going to die in a concentration camp or in the forests of Poland or Russia then at least those who listened to the rabbis earned the merit of dying as a result of the advice of Hashem's mouthpiece in this world: the great Torah sage. ---------------------------------End of Question------------------------- For those of you in the Baltimore/Washington area, Rabbi Tauber will be speaking at the NorthWest Citizens Patrol dinner Motzai Shabbos December 18 at about 9:00pm (dinner starts at 8:15pm). He will also speak at the Agudath Israel of Baltimore (6200 Park Heights Ave) Friday night (December 17) at 8:30pm. The topic is "Happiness - The Definition and Appreciation of Life". For more information feel free to contact me at the address below. Esther Gardner <gardner@...> Hubble Servicing Mission: 2 successful EVAs, 3 to go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <goldberg@...> (Joel Goldberg) Date: Tue, 7 Dec 93 09:27:21 -0500 Subject: Reuven, Yosef and the Pit Subject: Divine Providence Hayim Hendeles <hayim@...> wrote: > Reuven perceived it extremely likely something would happen to Joseph > were he left in his brother's hands, being as they hated him so and > wished to kill him. Therefore, Reuven said it is preferable to throw him > into a pit with snakes and scorpions, rather then in the hands of his > enemies who would not take mercy on him. The drash I heard last shabbat was that miracles involving the abrogating of a person's free will, or of interefering with the usual (natural) course of events, are less likely. In this case, staying out of the way of the snakes and scorpions is a "low level" miracle. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Broyde <RELMB@...> Date: Mon, 6 Dec 93 11:59:45 -0500 Subject: Re: Tefillin One of the writers made mention of relying on Rav Moshe's famous teshuva concerning putting on tephillin at night, prior to going to work. He permits this even with a beracha. Before one relys on this responsa, I would urge one to speak to ones local orthodox rabbi. The grounds relied on in that teshuva might be limited to situations of greater economic need than applicable to many in the United States (The letter was written in the hight of the great depression in Russia). ----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of Volume 10 Issue 52