Volume 20 Number 83 Produced: Mon Aug 7 7:32:18 1995 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: Doing Mitzvot to the Best of our Ability [Yaakov Meyer] Electricity on Shabbat in Israel [Elie Rosenfeld] Eliyahu and Pinchas [Eli Turkel] Halachic Wills [Moishe Friederwitzer] Kosher Cleaning Products [Warren Burstein] Mixing Up Mincha and Maariv [Jerrold Landau] Nusach(s) for the Yamim Nora'im [Andrew Marc Greene] Procreation (2) [Susan Slusky, Art Kamlet] Proposed U.S. Federal Meat and Poultry Regulations [Howard Reich] R' Yaakov Emden's Sidur [Dave Curwin] Seventy Languages [Moishe Kimelman] Terumoth / Ma`Aseroth [Lon Eisenberg] Washing Hair [Eliyahu Teitz] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <Yaakov_Meyer@...>, _Rabbi@tssnet.com (Yaakov Meyer) Date: 03 Aug 1995 14:31:51 GMT Subject: Doing Mitzvot to the Best of our Ability The idea behind a mitzvah is to do it to the best of our ability. Your example of Piryah v'rivyah re-enforces a basic principle of Judaism that it is the effort that counts, not the results. Rabbi Yaakov Meyer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <er@...> (Elie Rosenfeld) Date: 3 Aug 1995 14:51 EDT Subject: Electricity on Shabbat in Israel Glad to see all the interesting discussions on Maris Ayin that have developed since my initial query. In that same post, I had asked another question, to which no-one has responded; perhaps it got lost in the shuffle. Anyway, with Avi's permission, I'd like to bring up my other question again. Someone (sorry, I've lost the attribution) wrote: >their own generators. Thus Rav Auerbach paskened that if one knew that >only a local generator blew and that there were no very sick people in >the neighborhood then indeed one would not be permitted to use the >electricity that shabbat. However, under ordinary circumstances it is >permitted as Himelstein brought down. My question then is, in a case like this, where a local generator blew and was fixed on Shabbos, what exactly would be entailed by not "using" the electricity after it comes on? Would one need to stay out of rooms with lights on? Take all the food out of the refrigerator? Leave the house if there is heat or A/C running? - Elie Rosenfeld ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Eli Turkel <turkel@...> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 16:10:23 -0400 Subject: Eliyahu and Pinchas There has been some discussion of the identification of Eliyahu as Pinchas and so Eliyahu would be a Priest. That leaves many questions open. Pinchas was the high priest, can one resign this position? Where was Pinchas/Eliyahu during the tenure of Ely and later during the various kings David, Solomon etc. when we know the chief priests. Why did he move to the northern kingdom rather than live in Jerusalem? The gemara indentifies many people as being the same which implies that these people lived for many hundreds of years. One of the most difficult is that Bilaam was Lavan. First why would such a wicked person live for over 400 years from the days of Isaac to the end of the days of Moshe Rabbenu? Also since Leah, Rachel etc. were Lavan's daughters it implies that all the Jews were descendants of Lavan=Bilaam. Why would he want to destroy his own descendants? Of course this conflicts with the statement that Bilaam lived only 33 years. Based on such difficulties many commentaries say that when the Gemara states that two people were the same person it is not to be taken literally. Rather the gemara is pointing out that these two people shared common characteristics. Thus Bilaam and Lavan were similar personalities but not identical. Using this approach we could say that Pinchas and Eliyahu had many similarities, e.g. they both avenged the honor of G-d. However, they were not the same person. Hence, Eliyahu was from the tribe of Gad and not Levi. Eliyahu is referred as "ha-tishbi" and "ha-giladi" because he came from these regions and not from Jerusalem. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <MFRIEDERWITZ@...> (Moishe Friederwitzer) Date: Thu, 03 Aug 1995 13:57:49 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Halachic Wills In response to the recent request for information regarding the preperation of secular wills in accordance with Halacha. I would like to reccomend a text compiled by Andre Isaacson called Halachic Impications of Death Wills and Inheritances. Andre Isaacson served as a law clerk to Justice Menachem Elon of the Israel Supreme Court. The book was published in 1991. The book includes articles by Judah Dick, Rabbi Ezra Basri, Dayan Grunfeld, Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Tendler, Dr. Fred Rosner and Rabbi J. David Bleich. He also includes articles re: living wills by Chaim Dovid Zweibel of the Aguda. For more information please contact me at <mfriederwitz@...> or <martin.friederwitzer@...> Kol Toov Moishe Friederwitzer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <warren@...> (Warren Burstein) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1995 18:10:14 GMT Subject: Re: Kosher Cleaning Products Meyer Rafael writes: >I have been under the impression that halachic principles determine >that if a substance is unfit for a dog to eat then it is *not* food and >by definition not classifable either 'kosher' or 'non-kosher' any more >than a stone can be kosher or non-kosher. >Naturally I am not speaking about chametz on Pessach which is clearly a >special case. Why should Pesach be different? I am under the impression that "fit for a dog to eat" is relevant on Pesach as well. |warren@ / nysernet.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <landau@...> (Jerrold Landau) Date: Wed, 2 Aug 95 10:24:05 EDT Subject: Mixing Up Mincha and Maariv The following is an interesting question which probably can be answered quickly by a LOR, but does contain some interesting halachic issues which may be worthy of discussion. (terms: plag hamincha - a halachic time 1.25 halachic hours before sunset, at which time it is already permissible to daven maariv, or to accept shabbat. shkia - sunset time. davin - to recite an order of prayer. birchos kriat shma - the blessings surrounding the recital of shma during maariv) The time is after plag hamincha, but before shkia. Someone who has not yet davened mincha inadvertently begins to davin maariv, and realizes somewhere during birchos kriat shma that he has not yet davened mincha. What should one do? Should one stop where one is, and daven mincha, and then daven maariv later? Should one continue on, and say two shmone esreis instead of one, and have it count for both mincha and maariv? Or should one just finish maariv as normal, and then daven mincha? Would there be a difference if one has already finished birchot kriat shma, and is already davening shmone esrei when one realizes the error? I would be interested in hearing people's opinions on this situation. Jerrold Landau ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Andrew Marc Greene <amgreene@...> Date: Thu, 3 Aug 1995 11:01:36 -0400 Subject: Nusach(s) for the Yamim Nora'im I have been asked by my minyan to lead Kol Nidre/Ma'ariv and Ne'ilah services this upcoming Yom Kippur. Can anyone out there recommend tapes or books to use or to avoid? (I can sight-read music, so that's fine, although all the sheet music I've seen so far assumes an organ and a choir, neither of which I'll have. :-) I would like to make sure that I am getting the nusach [modes and melodies] "correct" (if universal agreement on such things exists :-) for the various piyuttim [liturgical poems] as well as for the more usual portions of the services. Thanks, Andrew Greene ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <segs@...> (Susan Slusky) Date: Wed, 2 Aug 95 11:56:33 EDT Subject: Procreation Akiva Miller writes: >One of my teachers pointed out the following: "Be fruitful and multiply" >was the first command (or blessing, perhaps) which was given to humanity >as a whole. It was my impression that this mitzvah was only given to the male half of humanity. Do you intend to imply otherwise? That perhaps the mitzvah was given to humanity as a whole and then withdrawn from half? -- Susan Slusky ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <ask@...> (Art Kamlet) Date: 3 Aug 1995 16:51 EDT Subject: Re: Procreation <Keeves@...> (Akiva Miller) writes: >One of my teachers pointed out the following: "Be fruitful and multiply" >was the first command (or blessing, perhaps) which was given to humanity >as a whole. The mitzva of declaring and sanctifying the months was the >first one given specifically to the Jewish people. Note the contrast: >Fulfillment of procreation is really out of our control, no matter how >hard we might try. But sanctifying the months is totally IN our >control: ... Be Fruitful was also given to Jacob specifically. But where was the commandment not to eat the sciatic nerve of an animal given, if not to Jacob? That is a commandment in our control, isn't it? And wasn't it given to us, and not to all peoples, long before the mitzvah of the months? Brit Milah was given to Abraham, not to all peoples, but it was later repeated at Sinai, so I'm not sure where it fits in. Do not murder was given to all peoples, and is a commandment of Bnai Noach, but it too was later repeated at Sinai. But we do have control. Art Kamlet AT&T Bell Laboratories, Columbus <a.s.kamlet@...> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Howard Reich <0006572811@...> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 95 13:37 EST Subject: Proposed U.S. Federal Meat and Poultry Regulations If reports in the Associated Press and the Jewish Telegraph Agency of proposed U.S. Department of Agriculture safety standards are accurate, they should be of considerable concern to the Jewish community in the U.S. The AP item quoted a Walter Gelerman, a kosher butcher in Brookline, who complained that the federal proposals would drive costs up, and Rabbi Mordecai Twersky argued that the koshering process seems to accomplish that which the new standards are designed to do, and therefore render the new regulations as unnecessary. Of greater concern is that which unidentified rabbis are quoted as having said about the specific regulations: chemical solutions that would be required could be considered pickling, which is forbidden, and that chilling the meat "conflicts with" the kosher soaking and salting process. Are these halachic assessments valid? All is certainly not lost yet. These proposed regulations will be the subject of a public hearing on Aug. 21 in Washington. A government spokeswoman said "the agency would consider any alternatives that kill bacteria in meat and poultry." The citation of any scientific studies in support of the contention that the koshering process effectively eliminates pathogens from meat and poultry, would be far more convincing than anecdotal evidence. Have such scientific studies been published, and if not have any such studies been undertaken yet? Howard Reich (<hreich@...>) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Dave Curwin <6524dcurw@...> Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 00:52:11 EDT Subject: R' Yaakov Emden's Sidur Does anyone know if a clear printed edition exists of Rav Yaakov Emden's introduction to his siddur Bet Yaakov, Sulam Bet El? The only edition I have seen has it printed in very unclear, small, Rashi script. If an annotated or scientific edition exists, all the better. David Curwin With wife Toby, Shaliach to Boston, MA 904 Centre St. List Owner of B-AKIVA on Jerusalem One Newton, MA 02159 <6524dcurw@...> 617 527 0977 Why are we here? "L'hafitz Tora V'Avoda" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <kimel@...> (Moishe Kimelman) Date: Sun, 6 Aug 1995 22:38:50 +1000 Subject: Seventy Languages Somebody brought this up tonight (motzei tisha b'av is a lot earlier here than it is over there), and he suggested that I ask "the internet". The gemara in makkot (daf yomi) rules that there must be at least one member of the Sanhedrin who knows "all seventy languages". If mashiach were to come tomorrow, and the Sanhedrin were to be reinstituted, how many languages would be needed to be known? Are there more or less than seventy? I assume that various dialects would be considered one language, but I may be wrong. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Lon Eisenberg <eisenbrg@...> Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 07:32:11 +0000 Subject: Terumoth / Ma`Aseroth We had a discussion in the car on the way to work this morning. One individual claimed that, based on a Gemarah (perhaps someone on the list can provide the exact source), one is not allowed to use, say, a mushy tomato as the part being separated. I stated that this may have made sense when we were actually giving the tomato to the Levi (or Cohen, in the case of termuath ma`aser), but today, when the only thing we actually separate is the terumath ma`aser (1%+ that we separate and discard), which can not be eaten by any Cohen (because of tumah), that this shouldn't apply. I have even heard that pits can be used as the terumath ma`aser, which he claimed was not the case. A related issue, he also stated that the reason we are allowed to eat the ma`aser rishon (tithe) is because of a decree by Ezra fining the Leviyim for not returning to Erez Israel by removing their privilege to receive the ma`aser rishon. I thought that the reason was simply that a Levi can only take from us (mozei mihavero) if he can prove he's a Levi, and there are few who can do so. Lon Eisenberg Motorola Israel, Ltd. Phone:+972 3 5659578 Fax:+972 3 5658205 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <EDTeitz@...> (Eliyahu Teitz) Date: Tue, 1 Aug 1995 12:06:54 -0400 Subject: Washing Hair Keith Bierman asked: > When did hair washing become common? Was soap used?? There is mention of hair washing in the g'mara. In a discussion in G'mara Nidda ( 67a - 68a ) about what are barriers on the body that render a dip in the mikva invalid, the g'mara discusses knotted hairs. As part of the discussion is how early a woman may wash her hair and detangle it, and not have to worry about tangles developing after the washing. But this was only once a month. In Shulchan Aruch ( OC 260, 1 ), an opinion is cited ( Mordechai quoting Shibboley HaLeket ) that a person should wash his hair weekly in honor of Shabbat. No mention of which brand shampoo was recommended. Eliyahu ----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of Volume 20 Issue 83