Volume 31 Number 14 Produced: Mon Jan 24 6:41:10 US/Eastern 2000 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: Churban Bais Sheni [Chaim Shapiro] Dr Louis Jacobs [David Kaufmann] Eiruv [Menashe Elyashiv] Ma'aser Kesafim [Jeffrey Bock] Meat & Dairy Wait Times [Yisrael Medad] P'thil T'kheileth [A.J.Gilboa] P'til T'chelet and T'vir [Yehoshua Kahan] Saying 'I like ham but God forbade me' [Boruch Merzel] Source of Phrase (chazak chazak vinischazek ) [Mordechai] Time Zones, Stocks, and Shabbos [Zev Sero] Trop marks and stressed syllables [Alexander Heppenheimer] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Chaim Shapiro <Dagoobster@...> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 15:27:03 EST Subject: Churban Bais Sheni I am looking for the earliest reference to the famous explanation for Churban Bais Sheni [destruction of the second Temple - Mod.](Sinas Chinam) [hatred of fellow Jews for no reason - Mod.]. Was that explanation available immediately following the Churban? Or was the explanation an idea that developed over time? How did whomever first explained the Churban in this way, know his information to be fact? Was it Ruach hakodesh [form of prophecy - Mod.]? Mesorah [tradition - Mod.]? An in depth look at the political and social data from the Churban era? Chaim Shapiro ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: David Kaufmann <kaufmann@...> Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 23:31:00 -0600 (CST) Subject: Re: Dr Louis Jacobs >From: Alexis Rosoff <alexis@...> >Stephen Philips wrote: >|> Rabbi Louis Jacobs . . . has >|> written in various of his works that he does not believe that the >|> Torah was given by Hashem word for word to Moshe. I would therefore >|> hesitate to recommend any of his books, especially for someone with >|> little knowledge of the Jewish religion. >As a reader of Dr Jacobs' books and someone who had the privilege of >hearing him... >He does NOT deny the divine origin of Torah and Talmud; his works were >written in response to scientific criticism of the Bible. Someone >expecting heresy is not going to find it in Dr Jacobs' books. In his book The Principles of Jewish Belief, an extensive excursus on the Rambam's thirteen principles, he most definitely DOES deny the Divine origin of Torah. He argues forcefully for multiple authorship and claims that Ibn Ezra hinted at editorializing of Torah. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Menashe Elyashiv <elyashm@...> Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 10:26:34 +0200 (IST) Subject: Eiruv The eiruv is not so simple, here are some problems: 1) Many Rishonim hold that reshut harabim [public domain - Mod.] is determend by 16 amot width only, the 2nd condition of 600,000 is not mentioned in the Talmud. 2) If the eiruv is so simple, why did Hazal cancel Shofar & Lulav on Shabbat. 3) Sfaradim holding by the Beit Yosef cannot use an eiruv - only a closed city (our yishuv is fenced & is considered a Beit Yosef eiruv) 4) Most places in Israel have an eiruv. However, there are places without one, and visiters to these places are doomed to carry as usual - in many cases they are so used to carry on Shabbat that they don't know that it is the eiruv that permits it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Jeffrey Bock <rashbi@...> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 08:16:40 PST Subject: Ma'aser Kesafim I asked this question and received the following response from Rabbi Reuven Lauffer at Ohr Somayach: I have elected to have my employer withhold money from my paycheck (before taxes are deducted) and placed in a retirement account (401k). This money is then invested and can be withdrawn after retirement. My question is: should I put aside ma'aser on the money now, with the intention of paying ma'aser only on the increase when I withdraw it? Or, should I not tithe this money now but rather intend to put aside full ma'aser on the fully-grown investment when I withdraw it? RESPONSE: There is no problem with waiting and taking off Ma'aser when the money actually becomes due. However, you should make a note that none of that money has been Ma'asered. Best regards from Jerusalem, Rabbi Reuven Lauffer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yisrael Medad <isrmedia@...> Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2000 18:33:33 +0200 Subject: Re: Meat & Dairy Wait Times I'm sure this has been discussed before but nevertheless, can anyone direct me to some recent literature regarding the wait times between meat and dairy, their various practicioners and any other relevant customs. It could be a private posting too. Yisrael Medad ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: A.J.Gilboa <bfgilboa@...> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 14:41:24 -0800 Subject: Re: P'thil T'kheileth > From: Perets Mett <p.mett@...> > Yehoshua Kahan wrote (mail-jewish Vol. 30 #82 Digest): > >I, too, was bothered by breaking up the "semichut" relationship between > >"tzitzit" and "hakanaf". Then I looked carefully at the trop. The trop > >- a "tvir" under "v'nat'nu" (which connects with what follows) and a > >"tipcha" under "hakanaf" - seem to lead to the following translation: > >they will place upon the corner's taseel [major pause, as indicated by > >trop] a blue thread. > > Undoubtedly a slip of the pen. > > tvir is a ta'am hamafsik (a disjunctive trop); the commas are as > follows: > > v'noth'nu, al tsitsith hakonof, p'thil t'kheileth > ...tvir ...meir'kho tip'kho ...meir'kho siluk Just to add a fine point - Perets is correct in stating that tvir is disjunctive but, in the widely accepted classification of the disjunctive t`amim, tvir is one rank below tipha. Frequently, then, especially when the tvir is followed directly by a tipha, it loses its "stopping power" (cf. pashta followed directly by zaqef). This may be a fine point, but the use of "modern" punctuation does not convey the subordinate nature of the tvir relative to the tipha. All commas look alike. In any case, Yehoshu`a Kahn's point is absolutely correct. There is certainly no pause indicated between the word "tsitsit" and "kanaf". The only major disjunctive before the silluq (sof-pasuq) is the tipha. Yosef Gilboa ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Yehoshua Kahan <orotzfat@...> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 23:29:15 +0200 Subject: P'til T'chelet and T'vir Perets Mett was very generous in attributing my assertion that the trope under "hakanaf" in B'midbar 15:38 is a "tvir" to a slip of the pen - more like a slip of the mind - I just hummed/sang it to myself, and wrote "t'vir" in full confidence! Thanks for the correction. Which brings me to another point I've been wanted to broach. Yes, it is true, "tvir" is a "mafsik" - a disjunctive trop. But, as far as I recall learning, it is a low-level disjunctive, while a "tipcha" is a high-level disjunctive. Thus, when compared to a "tipcha", a "tvir" is effectively conjunctive. What I mean is this: nowadays, very few, if any, ba'alei kriyah realize the various levels of disjunction and conjunction in their reading by appropriate length pauses. At best, a fine ba'al k'riyah will pause briefly for "etnachta", perhaps also, and even more briefly, for "segol", "tipcha", "zakef". No one pauses for "t'vir" because they trying to make it disjunctive. However, what DOES happen is that, because of the manner in which the Ashkenazic traditions sets the "t'vir" to music, it almost inevitably becomes the major pause in its phrase, relegating the "tipcha" to second place at best. There are examples of how this phrasing sets the meaning of a passuk on its head in almost every passuk, ,but let me give the example which should set any argument to rest: In Parashat Nitzavim, the nations, upon surveying the wreckage of the land, inquire why Hashem acted in such a fashion toward the land, and ask (Devarim 29:23) ..."meh chori ha'af hagadol hazeh". The term "chori af" - heat of the nose - is a standard expression of the Tanach indicating anger. It is in "semichut" form, and "chori" is the lead noun, which any subsequent adjective must match. How would one say "great anger"? "chori af gadol", where we would utilize the trope the keep the adjective - "gadol" - close to "af" - the lead noun, the one being modified. And, in fact, that's what is done: "t'vir" under "chori", "tipcha" under "hagadol", "silluk" under "hazeh". The phrasing then should be: "meh chori ha'af hagadol (pause) hazeh", which translates, literally, as "what is this great heat of the nose" (meaning: "What's this great anger (about)?"). However, because we (Ashkenazim, at least) sing "t'vir" long, the phrasing usually sounds like this: "meh chori (pause generated by long "t'vir") ha'af hagadol hazeh"! Which translates as "what is the heat of THIS GREAT NOSE!!" Now, I know we are just now reading about Hashem's great arm, and next Shabbat we'll read of Hashem's great voice, but "great nose"? As mentioned, this is just one example of how I find myself driven crazy by otherwise excellent ba'alei kriyah, who pause for the "t'vir" because the music says so! Rav Berachot, Yehoshua Kahan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Boruch Merzel <BoJoM@...> Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 14:54:40 EST Subject: Re: Saying 'I like ham but God forbade me' In replying to Rena Freeberg's inquiry as to why observant Jews do not say aloud: "I like ham but G*d forbade Me" Mordecai <Phyllostac@...> comments: << My problem with that explanation is that the teaching specifically seems to say that a person should express this opinion vocally. It doesn't say 'al Yachshov adam ....aval yachshov' (a person shouldn't think this way, rather the other way), rather 'Al yomar adam...aval yomar...' (a person shouldn't say...but should say...). The wording seems to indicate that this is something that should be said - not merely thought.>> The word yomar is very often used to mean to "think", or to have intent, in the sense of saying something to oneself. This is a very commmon usage in the Talmud. The best known (and first) use of the word "ahmor" (to say) in this sense is found in Exodus 2:14 where Moshe is challenged by one of the 2 Jews (Dasan & Aviram) who were fighting: "Hal-hor'geni atah OMER" . ..."Do you INTEND to kill me as you did the Egyptian?" The rabbis of the talmud simply meant that our sole INTENT in abstaining from non-kosher food should be to serve G*d's inscrutable will. Boruch Merzel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Mordechai <Phyllostac@...> Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 05:26:43 EST Subject: Source of Phrase (chazak chazak vinischazek ) Carl and Adina Sherer <sherer@...> wrote - << While the Chazak chazak part does appear to be universal, I'm not sure that the standing part is universal. >> I believe that German - Jewish Congregations (e.g. Khal Adas Jeshurun [KAJ] of Washington Heights, NYC) say only Chazak vinischazeik - not chazak chazak - based on a verse in Samuel 2 , 10 : 9. Certified 'Yekkes' - please confirm. :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Zev Sero <Zev@...> Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2000 13:03:29 -0500 Subject: Re:Time Zones, Stocks, and Shabbos Chaim <chaim@...> wrote: >I'm living in Israel and trade USA stocks using a brokerage account in >the USA. I've started opening stop-loss orders to sell which are Good >'till Cancelled. My question is, do I have to cancel all my orders every >Friday before Shabbos? I don't see why. You're not causing a Jew to do work on Shabbat - for him it isn't Shabbat. It seems to me to be much the same as asking a Jew to do something for you after you've brought in Shabbat but before he has done so, which AFAIK is permitted. And if it's OK to get a Jew to do it, then it must surely be OK to have a goy do it! The problem that some people raise in the opposite case (sending a fax when it's not Shabbat for you but it is for the recipient) is that *you* are doing the work, and the work is being done on Shabbat. My answer to that is that this is exactly like setting a timer before Shabbat to do work on Shabbat - if the work is considered to be performed in the recipient's time zone then ipso facto you are not in fact doing the work, the fax machine is, and the law follows Bet Hillel that `you are not commanded that inanimate objects should rest' (i ata metzuve al shevitat kelim). Zev Sero Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day; <zsero@...> set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Ankh-Morpork proverb ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alexander Heppenheimer <Alexander.Heppenheimer@...> Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2000 18:16:35 -0700 Subject: Re: Trop marks and stressed syllables In MJ 31:4, Bernard Horowitz asked: <<Here is a question I have often wondered about. With the exception of five trop symbols (Pashta, zarka, segol, tlisha ktana and tlisha gdola), the location of the trop tells us which syllable is the stressed syllable. <snip> My question is, why are these five different in this regard? Is there a reason that these alone cannot be relied on for determining the proper pronunciation of the word? >> When I learned how to lain, it was explained to me as follows: Pashta - resembles Kadma, so by putting Pashta always on the last letter (specifically, on the leftmost edge of that letter), we can easily differentiate them - which is important not only for the difference in melody, but because a Pashta signifies a break in meaning from the next word (comparable to a punctuation mark in English), while a Kadma tells us that this word and the next word are connected syntactically. Zarka - resembles a trop mark used in Tehillim, Mishlei, and Iyov, called Tzinoris, which is a connector. Since Zarka is a separator, they wanted to fully differentiate them. (There is actually another trop used in those three books, called Tzinor, which is like Zarka in being a separator and appearing on the last letter.) Segol - if it could appear anywhere in the word, could possibly be mistaken for the three dots that appear together when a letter with a cholam vowel (a cholam chaser, that is - just the dot, without the accompanying Vov) is followed by a letter with a Zakef Katan, which looks like a colon. Telisha Ketanah and Telisha Gedolah - in old manuscripts, were often written without their "tails" - just as circles; so putting one at one end of a word and the other at the other end helps differentiate them. (Again, it makes for a syntactic difference as well, because Telisha Gedolah is a separator and Telisha Ketanah is a connector.) Kol tuv y'all, Alex ----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of Volume 31 Issue 14