Volume 34 Number 48
                 Produced: Mon May 14  6:32:21 US/Eastern 2001

Subjects Discussed In This Issue: 

         [Aliza Fischman]
Bishul Akum for Sefardim
         [Gershon Dubin]
Dairy on Shavuot (3)
         [Leona Kroll, Kochav ben Yehuda, Joseph Mosseri]
Responsa - Mima'amakim
         [Art Werschulz]
Rosh Hashana Card for Israel and Solidarity
         [Tobey Herzog]
S"fira Question
         [Shimon Lebowitz]
Shalom Alaichem on Pesach Sheni
         [Russell Hendel]
Shalom Aleichem
         [Chaim Sacknovitz]
Source for how to tie tzitzis
         [Shimon Lebowitz]
Tefilla question - Phraseology
         [Shira Hannah Fischer]


From: Aliza Fischman <fisch.chips@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 19:41:17 -0400
Subject: Alarms

In my parents' home you can "shunt" individual zones (including the
motion sensor) for Shabbos.  This effectively shuts down individual
zones and stops the lights from blinking.

Aliza Fischman


From: Gershon Dubin <gershon.dubin@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 14:10:35 -0400
Subject: Bishul Akum for Sefardim

From: Stephen Phillips <stephenp@...>

<<The question arises, therefore, can a Sefardi eat in a hotel, etc. 
 which is under the supervision of an Ashkenazi Kashrus authority? Might 
 the food not be considered Bishul Akum for them?>>

        I can't speak for elsewhere, but I know that mashgichim and
caterers in the New York area are sensitive to this difference.  You
need to ask.



From: Leona Kroll <leona_kroll@...>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 02:25:38 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Dairy on Shavuot

"The origin of eating dairy, I believe is one of a few things.  One is
that Israel is Eretz zavas Chalav udVash.  B. That Before the Jews
actually received the Torah, they could not have meat.  (I could be
wrong). [I have not heard this one before. Mod.]"

The reason I learned was that on Shavuos we received, along with the
rest of the Torah, the laws of Kashrus.  After hearing the laws
regarding shechting, the Jews could not eat the meat they had because it
was not a good shchita (:) ), so they ate milchigs. This is why we have
the dairy meal davka during the day, right after going to shul to
"receive" the Torah again through the 10 Commandements.

From: Kochav ben Yehuda <kochav_benyehuda@...>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 00:45:24 +0200
Subject: Re: Dairy on Shavuot

I remember hearing a midrash which tells us that when the Jewish people
received Torah, it was as if they all converted, and from that moment
on, only properly shechted meat could be eaten.  And as it took some
time to get the knives in the way they should be, and to to be able to
shecht the animal in the way it should be shechted, the Jewish people
had to stick to milchig in the mean time.

And as to the minhag, I believe the actual minhag is to eat some
milchig, but afterwards it is recommanded to eat fleishig (Rama, O"C)


From: Joseph Mosseri <JMosseri@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 22:22:43 -0400
Subject: Dairy on Shavuot

I'd like to thank Jeff Fischer for his answer on my question.  The
problem is I'm not looking for reasons to explain why there is a custom
to eat dairy.  What I'm searching for is the origin of this custom.
When and where did it start?  By whom?  What was the original reason?
What is the oldest source we have for the custom of eating dairy on

Thanks again,
Joseph Mosseri


From: Art Werschulz <agw@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 19:08:44 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Responsa - Mima'amakim


The Hebrew version is called "Sheilos Utshuvos Mima'makim", by Rabbi
Ephraim Oshry.  I don't know who publishes it.

An abbreviated English translation, "Repsonsa from the Holocaust", was
published by Judaica Press of New York in 1983 (ISBN 0-910818-55-X).

Art Werschulz (8-{)}   "Metaphors be with you."  -- bumper sticker
GCS/M (GAT): d? -p+ c++ l u+(-) e--- m* s n+ h f g+ w+ t++ r- y? 
Internet: <agw@...><a href="http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~agw/">WWW</a>
ATTnet:   Columbia U. (212) 939-7061, Fordham U. (212) 636-6325


From: Tobey Herzog <tobis23@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 10:41:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Rosh Hashana Card for Israel and Solidarity

Could you please encourage your readers to participate in this project?
With all the emails and articles circulating about the crisis in Israel,
we have done little to show Israel we've heard and we care enough to do
something. Here is an action that reinforces our children's connection
to Israel and shows the world that we are standing together as family
behind Israel:

First, this project has been endorsed by the Boards of Jewish Education
in New York, Phoenix, Miami, LA, the Center for Jewish Ed. in Baltimore,
NCSY, UAHC, USY, NJOP, Association of Jewish Outreach Professionals,
etc. I also presented this project at the Torah Umesorah
Convention. Project Co-sponsored by the Jewish Literacy Foundation and
the Israel Emergency Solidarity Fund.

see our button on the jpost.com homepage, our website:
www.card4israel.org. phone: 410-602-1020

The purpose of this project is to show our collective concern for the
children of Israel who are both frightened and suffering during this
crisis. This project will also represent an unforgettable monument to
Jewish unity and pride, as Jews from all denominations and locations
will be contributing (from yeshivas to JCCs)! We all discuss how awful
things are and how things must change. But talk is cheap. Here is a
small action, that when multiplied by thousands of participants will
help raise morale and show the world that we stand behind our family in

Project: World's Largest Rosh Hashanah Card

There's not much time. Please urge your school/JCC/etc. to participate
or do this with your kids on your own today. Please take 10 minutes to
show the children in Israel that the rest of us care and ensure that
your community is well-represented in breaking the world's record for
the largest card in history with our gesture of concern to Israel:

 Jewish kids, 21 and under, are all invited to send the world's largest
Rosh Hashanah card to the kids in Israel, which will exceed 3000
sq. feet, once built (giving Jewish kids the collective accomplishment
of breaking the world's record!). The cards will be mounted on
interlocking panels that will be put together at a reception in
Baltimore, then flown to the children of Israel for a gala reception!
If received in time, every card, before it is mounted, will be scanned
and uploaded into a central website, where it will be available as a
digital card that kids can find and send with a personal message to
friends.  Individual cards will be featured periodically on the site.

Instructions: 1. On an 8.5 x 5.5 piece of paper, preferably card
stock/half a piece of construction paper, kids should draw and/or write
a Rosh Hashanah greeting, wishing peace, safety, happiness, etc. to
Israeli children. If the card is not ~5.5 x 8.5, it cannot be scanned

2. On the back of the card, kids must clearly write
(please check)
a. First name, last name
b. Age
c. City/State
d. School/organization and teacher's name

3. The school/individual should collect these cards and mail them back
to the

Card4Israel Project. For schools, please fill out the following form
completely, with a point person we can contact later with developments.

4.  Tell other schools, friends and families to make cards! Teach our
kids how they can make a difference and show Israel we care!

Return all cards before the end of the School year.
For camps: By July 10.
Send to:

Card Project
17 Warren Road Suite 18
Baltimore, MD  21208

School/Organization name:

Contact Person:
Number of Cards sent:

Thank you very much and please help spread the word and MAKE CARDS!

Tobey Herzog
Jewish Literacy Foundation
Baltimore, MD

any donations in materials or money would be invaluable to helping this
project underway. We already have approx. 50,000 kids nationwide
participating through over 150 different schools and synagogues. But
every kid should have a chance to send and learn this
message. Thanks. Please email with any questions.


From: Shimon Lebowitz <shimonl@...>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 00:46:21 +0300
Subject: Re: S"fira Question

> It is well known that if you forgot to count s"fira one night, you may
> count without a b"rakha during daylight hours the next day, and then
> continue counting with a b"rakha on subsequent nights.
> I've often wondered (though it's unlikely to ever happen in practice) what
> happens late on a Friday afternoon if you have accepted Shabbat early (and
> davened Qabalat Shabbat and Ma`ariv), but it is still before sunset and
> you suddenly remember that you forgot to count on Thursday night.  

This question is mentioned by Rav Shimon Eider in Section 6 of his
Summary of Halachos of Pesach, which deals with Sefiras ha`Omer.

In chapter II, par C6 he states:
   if he forgot to count Thursday night but reminded himself Friday
afternoon after ushering in the Shabbos and davening Maariv, if it is
still before sunset, he should count Thursday evening's omer without a
brocho, and resume counting with a brocho on Friday nght.

Shimon Lebowitz                           mailto:<shimonl@...>
Jerusalem, Israel         PGP: members.xoom.com/shimonl/pubkey.htm


From: Russell Hendel <rhendel@...>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 00:17:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Shalom Alaichem on Pesach Sheni

There has been several discussions of saying/not saying Shalom Aleichem
(SA) on Pesach Sheni and related matters.

[As far as I can tell, the question of Pesach Sheni and Shalom Alaichem
has not been raised on this list. Mod.]

I generally advocate deciding issues based on reasons.  But the reasons
we dont say Shalom Aleichem on Friday Night Festivals is because there
have probably been extra preparations for Friday night because of the
Yom Tov.  Possibly people came home from work early (as is required on
the eve of Passover). Since people are home anyway and have made extra
preparations we do not need Shalom Alaichem to put us in the mood for

But then it is immediately seen that Pesach Sheni Friday night SHOULD
have a Shalom Aleichem since we do need to be put in the mood for
Shabbot. The most Pesach Sheni does is absolve us from Tachanum and
remind us of the substitute holiday. But it does not put us in the mood.

On another note, Perets Mett cites Yaakov Emdin who prohibits saying the
name of Angels in SA. However I would not go so far as to abstain from
saying the song. My personal minhag is to say the the other 3 stanzas
and to hum along on the one with angels. (Chaim Twersky and Arieh Kadosh
make similar points in a recent Mail Jewish v34n41)

Russell Jay Hendel; Ph.d.,A.S.A; http://www.RashiYomi.Com/


From: Chaim Sacknovitz <sacknovitz@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 22:22:39 -0400
Subject: Re: Shalom Aleichem

Re: the recent question why some recite Shalom Aleichem three times.

Rav Gedalia Felder, Z"L, in his sefer Yesodei Yeshurun, Vol. 3, page
205, writes that one recites each stanza three times "l'shem chizuk" -
for emphasis, similar to those who harvested the omer recited "Magel
zeh, three times.


From: Shimon Lebowitz <shimonl@...>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 00:39:26 +0300
Subject: Re: Source for how to tie tzitzis

> The tzitzis on my talis are coming loose and I would like to find a
> source (ideally with diagrams) that explains exactly how to tie them. Does
> anyone know such (either a book or a web site).  

I once tried to make a sort of 'tutorial' on this subject,
and put it online at:

It is not very 'polished', but I hope you find it helpful.

Shimon Lebowitz                           mailto:<shimonl@...>
Jerusalem, Israel         PGP: members.xoom.com/shimonl/pubkey.htm


From: Shira Hannah Fischer <fischer@...>
Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 20:50:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Tefilla question - Phraseology

Another example of the phrasing problem is in kabbalat shabbat, at the
end of the last psalm: "l'veit'cha na'ava kodesh hashem, l'orech yamim."

However, a much bigger thing that people often get wrong in davenning
(and Torah reading, for that matter) is kamatzim ketanim. For example,
in Aleinu, the phrase is "govhei meromim" and not "gavhei". Another
example comes from the email below: "Al kOl-divrei shirot v'tishbachot",
not "al kal-divrei". While pausing in the wrong place can surely cause
an improper parsing of a sentence, therefore changing the meaning of the
phrase, mistakes involving kamatzim ketanim can change meanings of
individual words as well, including whether they are nouns or verbs, for

While some ashkenazim do not differentiate between kamatzim and
pronounce them all as 'o', those who do pronounce kamatz gadol as 'a,'
as well as all who use sephardi/Israeli pronunciation, should be very
careful with kamatzim ketanim. A few siddurim (Rinnat Yisrael is one)
mark the kamatzim differently, for those who do not know how to tell
them apart. However, many siddurim have also unfortunately taken it upon
themselves to remove the dashes that connect words (like ya'aroch-lach
or , as above, kol-divrei) which are grammatically necessary to indicate
that a kamatz is katan, but this should not invite people to
mispronounce the words.

For those who want the technical rule, any kamatz on a closed,
unaccented syllable is a kamatz katan. Two words connected by a dash (a
makef) count as one word.

Shira Fischer


End of Volume 34 Issue 48