Volume 34 Number 65
                 Produced: Thu May 31  7:45:15 US/Eastern 2001

Subjects Discussed In This Issue: 

amazon.com and _Protocols..._
         [Leah S. Gordon]
Baruch Hashem le'olam
         [Ira L. Jacobson]
Bat Mitzvah
         [Russell Hendel]
Hiddur Mitzvah - bayn Adam L'Chavayroh
         [Carl Singer]
Ibn Ezra and out of print sefarim
         [Ben Katz]
Rabbinic Capture of Biblical
         [Mark Steiner]
A request to help a young family starting a new Parnosso!
         [Shlomo B Abeles]
Sitting Quietly
         [Yisrael & Batya Medad]
Transliterating Hebrew
         [Mike Gerver]
Waiting an hour after eating dairy
         [Dov Teichman]
Why didn't the Minchas Elozor stay in Yerushalayim for
         [Dov Teichman]


From: Leah S. Gordon <lsgordon@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:48:01 -0700
Subject: amazon.com and _Protocols..._

Just so you are aware, this is amazon's statement regarding the
antisemitic work _Protocols of the Elders of Zion_:
Editorial Reviews
A special note from Amazon.com 
April 6, 2000

As some readers may be aware, a hoax e-mail has been circulating widely
that falsely claims Amazon.com has favorably reviewed this book. This
allegation is, of course, absolutely untrue. Nevertheless, this rumor
has become so widespread on the Internet that it's already a recognized
"urban legend," just like alligators living in the sewers. Amazon.com
obviously does not endorse The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion. This book is one of the most infamous, and tragically influential,
examples of racist propaganda ever written. It may be useful to some as
a tool in the teaching of the history of anti-Semitism, but it's
unquestionably propaganda.

Does Amazon.com sell this book? Of course we do, along with millions of
other titles. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is classified
under "controversial knowledge" in our store, along with books about
UFOs, demonic possession, and all manner of conspiracy theories. You can
also find books in other sections of Amazon.com's online bookstore that
analyze The Protocols' fraudulent origins and its tragic historical role
in promoting anti-Semitism and Jewish persecution, including A Lie and a
Libel: The History of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Should Amazon.com sell The Protocols and other controversial works? As a
bookseller, Amazon.com strongly believes that providing open access to
written speech, no matter how hateful or ugly, is one of the most
important things we do. It's a service that the United States
Constitution protects, and one that follows a long tradition of
booksellers serving as guardians of free expression in our society.

Not all countries view these issues the same way. And one of our
greatest challenges is to work cooperatively with other governments to
respect their laws without compromising our core values of free
expression and free exchange of information--values that the Internet
embodies on a global scale.

Nevertheless, Amazon.com believes it is censorship not to sell certain
books because we believe their message repugnant, and we would be
rightly criticized if we did so. Therefore, we will continue to make
this book and other controversial works available in the United States
and everywhere else, except where they are prohibited by law.

Furthermore, because we strongly believe that the appropriate response
to repugnant speech is not censorship, but more speech, we will continue
to allow readers, authors, and publishers to express their views about
the books and other products we offer on our Web site.

We hope we have eliminated any confusion surrounding this book. If you
happened to be one of the many who received the infamous e-mail, we
would appreciate it if you would pass this along to your friends. It is
very hurtful to everyone at Amazon.com to be accused of racism.


forwarded by,
 Leah Gordon


From: Ira L. Jacobson <laser@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 16:16:20 +0300
Subject: Re:  Baruch Hashem le'olam

Mike Gerver <Mike.Gerver@...> wrote in mail-jewish Vol. 34 #61 Digest:

>When I visited Israel a couple of years before I made aliyah, I asked a
>shayla, and was told not to say "Baruch Hashem le'olam" in maariv, even
>though that was my minhag at home, since it would be considered a hefsek
>[interruption in davening].

This is exactly the same hefseq made by reciting V'shameru on leyl
Shabbat and similar passages on holiday nights before the `Amida.  Those
who refrain from both types of hefseq (minhag of Ba`al Hatanya, the
Gr"a, some yekkes, et al.) are therefore entirely consistent in the
`Arvit prayers throughout the year.

>Of course, when I was shliach tzibbur at maariv one night, I followed
>the minhag of the shul and did say it.

Harav Yitzhak Zilbershtein has pasqened that one visiting the diaspora
from Israel should decline to be shatz if it would require him to make
that hefseq--even if the person involved has yahrzeit that day.  He can
fulfill his obligation by learning mishnayot, for example, said the rav.

And from my personal expperience, when the rav of a sysnagogue in New York 
asked me why I did not pray from the `amud (during sheloshim), and I told 
him the reason, he informed me that he also has a friend who refrains from 
saying Baruch Hashem le`olam, and he (the rav) solves the problem by 
reciting aloud the hatima, so that I could therefore daven from the `amud 
and still follow Harav Zilbershtein's pesaq.

                         Ira L. Jacobson


From: Russell Hendel <rhendel@...>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 22:11:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Bat Mitzvah

In response to Daniel Mehlmans original question on innovative Bat
Mitzvah approaches (v34n50 with several postings since) my brother in
law used a combined approach:

* My neice said a Dvar Torah
* He (The father) gave a siyum.

I asked him and he explained that by making a siyum we convert the Bat
Mitzvah party into a Seudat Mitzvah (Quite clever). I dont believe
anything special was done on Shabbat.

Oh..one more thing..my brother-in-law insisted on doing the Siyum on
Ketuvoth so that < it shouldnt look like I just read a Masechet for the
sake of the bat mitzvah > (But then again he had 12 years to prepare

Russell Jay Hendel; Phd ASA
See my Mail Jewish Archives at http://www.RashiYomi.Com/mj.htm


From: Carl Singer <CARLSINGER@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 14:33:17 EDT
Subject: Hiddur Mitzvah - bayn Adam L'Chavayroh

 From time to time thoughts come to mind, and then to keyboard.

We have several examples of Hiddur Mitzvah such as a more beautiful
esrog, etc. and whether it's our "can of peas" or other halachas, we
find people striving to be somehow "better" in their observance of
mitzvahs.  For some reason, this is oft equivalenced to being more
machmer -- stricter -- perhaps more scrupulous would be a better term --
in their observance of mitzvahs.  Most of these (Kashruth, eruv,
tefillah) seem to be bayn Adam L'Makom -- between Man & G-d.

Any comments on examples of the community (K'lal Yisroel) trying to
"improve" on their mitzvahs bayn Adam L'Chavayroh -- between Man and his
fellow Man.  (Gender apologies, as I'm using the common idiom.)

Note: This is not directed to the ticheled young woman who was doubled
parked and blocking an open parking space the other day -- when I
stopped, she told me that she would eventually be using that other
space, too (?)  I refrained from asking her if she had just moved here
(Passaic) from Brooklyn or was just visiting :) Nor to the one who most
diservedly got a parking ticket for double parking in front of the Pizza
Store thus blocking the ONLY thru lane of traffic on Main Street.

Kol Tov

Carl Singer


From: Ben Katz <bkatz@...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 11:01:26 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Ibn Ezra and out of print sefarim

From: David Hojda <dhojda1@...>
>R' Yosef Bonfil's perush, Zafnat Paneach, is available in bound
>photocopied form from Bigeleisen's Book Shop in Boro Park.
>The sefer may have to be custom-ordered, which means that the copy shop
>that has the master copy will have to run it off and bind it for you.
>Incidentally, many out-of-print sefarim are available through the
>Biegeleisen/Copy Shop arrangement .

Many years ago I copied myself the entire Tzafnat Pa'aneach from Yale's
Judaica Library.  Do you have a phone no., address, or e-mail for
Biegeleisen so that I may get a catalog of their out-of-print seforim?

Ben Tzion Katz
Children's Memorial Hospital, Division of Infectious Diseases
2300 Children's Plaza, Box # 20, Chicago, IL 60614
Ph. 773-880-4187, Fax 773-880-8226


From: Mark Steiner <marksa@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 18:26:12 +0300
Subject: Re: Rabbinic Capture of Biblical

"Also, I'm not sure if reclining on pesach is a torah law, but if you
ate your matzoh and were not reclining, you must eat it again

But cf. the Hiddushim of R. Yitzhak Zeev Soloveitchik (Gry"z) who argues
that this may be because you have not fulfilled the mitzvah to recline,
not because you have not fulfilled the mitzvah to eat matzah.


From: Shlomo B Abeles <sba@...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 12:10:06 +1000
Subject: A request to help a young family starting a new Parnosso!

A young friend of mine will shortly be opening a new kosher bakery here
in Melbourne. Although he has had training for the usual breads and
rolls etc, he requires help in getting recipes for the 'Jewish' side of
the business - including all types of challas, bagels, eiyer kuchel, etc

I am trying to help this young man and his family and have offered to
pass on his request on line. We hope that bakers on the other side of
the world will have no objection to a new shop opening down-under...

U'lemitzvah Gedolah Yechoshev!

Anyone who can help or advise in any way - please respond off-list to:

A big Yasher Koach and Tizku LeMitzvos.

Shlomo B Abeles


From: Yisrael & Batya Medad <ybmedad@...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 19:46:57 +0300
Subject: Sitting Quietly

Stan Tennen wrote (Vol. 34, No. 63 [ken yirbu]):
>Sitting quietly is a way of saying meditating.  

is this a presumption or a conclusion?
is it proven or assumed?
could it be that someone sitting quietly was actually just doing that,
sitting quietly, and nothing else?


From: Mike Gerver <Mike.Gerver@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 14:10:07 +0200
Subject: Transliterating Hebrew

Saul Davis, in v34n42, mentions that the Mehoqeqey Yehuda was written by
"Yehuda Liv Qarinsqy."  While I admire Saul's dedication to following a
consistent system for transliterating Hebrew, wouldn't it be less
confusing (especially since his middle and last name are not Hebrew) to
refer to him as "Yehuda Leib Karinsky?"

Mike Gerver
Raanana, Israel


From: Dov Teichman <DTnLA@...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 10:55:42 EDT
Subject: Waiting an hour after eating dairy

The Ramo in Yoreh Deah 89:2 says that some are machmir to wait before
eating meat after cheese, but concludes that the widespread minhag is
only to wait after eating aged hard cheeses that have a very pungent
taste.  The poskim explain the Ramo that the custom of those who are
machmir is to wait an hour after ALL dairy products. Although this is
not mentioned in the Gemara, the source is from the Zohar in Parshas
Mishpatim that says that meat and milk may not be eaten in the same
hour. The custom of Chabad, among others, is to follow this custom.

Dov Teichman


From: Dov Teichman <DTnLA@...>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 12:11:54 EDT
Subject: Re: Why didn't the Minchas Elozor stay in Yerushalayim for

Paul, Judy or Miriam Shaviv <shaviv@...> write:

<<There is a brief refernce to not being comfortable in observing Yom Tov
Sheni "when the shops are open, and the 'hand is writing'"; and there is
a rather strange story of a 'certain great Rav in Yerushalayim', who
visited a house where a minyan of men were observing Yom Tov Sheni. He
was wearing weekday clothes ("even though ... many inYerushalayim go on
the Second Day in Shabbat and Yom Tov clothes in honour of Isru CHag,
and in honour of their brethren in the 'Golah' "). However, his
criticism is very clearly that this certain 'Great Rav' entered right
into the house of this minyan, in the middle of their Yom Tov meal, and
disturbed their 'kedushas Yom Tov'.>>

This brief reference is more clearly emphasized in the Sefer "Darkei
Chaim VeShalom" (customs of the Minchas Elozer authored by the his
Gabbai, Reb Yechiel Michel Gold.) In the section on the Laws of Yom Tov
sections 524-525, he relates that, "He [the Minchas Elozer] _greatly
praised_ the custom of chassidim and fearful jews in Jerusalem who wore
Yom Tov clothes on the second day of yomtov (when it was chol for them)
in honor of their bretheren in Golus for whom it is still Yom
Tov. Furthermore, _they would refrain from doing melacha publicly_. And
there are even many sources to prove that the 2nd day of Yom Tov is the
main day of celebration according to the Torah, based on present
astronomical calculations and halachic sources, and therefore perhaps
even the jews of Israel should celebrate 2 days of Yom Tov, however, the
halacha is not like that and therefore Jews of Eretz Yisrael must
celebrate only 1 day and on the 2nd day they must put on tefilin, etc.
However, he writes that it is still better for them to refrain from
doing melacha that is not so necessary. (He also got angry at a Rav who,
albeit innocently, walked into a chutz laaretz celebration taking place
in Israel as it was in violation of the gemara in Pesachim that states
that when jews from a place that have a certain chumra (in this case 2nd
day Yom Tov) go to a place that doesnt have that chumra (i.e. Israel)
one is not permitted to conduct oneself leniently in their presence.)
My point was that there is a clear deference for the jews of Chutz
LaAretz even while they are in Israel, as opposed to the modern day
ruling by many that the chutz laaretz jews must show deference to the
Jews of Eretz Yisroel.  Thanks, Dov Teichman


End of Volume 34 Issue 65