Volume 42 Number 35 Produced: Wed Mar 31 4:58:04 US/Eastern 2004 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: Ga-al Yisroel vs. Goel Yisroel. [<Smwise3@...>] L'Maan Achai V'Rayai [Michael Poppers] Lo Shinu et Leshonam [Leah Perl Shollar] New Sefer: Tziyurim L'Mseches Kinim [Charlie Hafner] Orhot Zaddikim - new text [Seth & Sheri Kadish] Pesach -- relaxed requirements (2) [Batya Medad, Carl Singer] Reason for discontinuing the TRANSLATING leining custom [Russell J Hendel] Seder Tidbits: on Brachot [Joel Wiesen] Sfirat Omer reminders? [Batya Medad] Tootsie Rolls (5) [Mike Gerver, Shayna Kravetz, Carl Singer, Alan Friedenberg, Janice Gelb] Yetziv Pisgam [Elie Rosenfeld] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <Smwise3@...> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 22:53:46 EST Subject: Re: Ga-al Yisroel vs. Goel Yisroel. I am sure we all agree that our tefilos have a better chance of being accepted if we take care in how we daven. Many years ago, a Rav pointed out to me after I had erred when I was davening for the amud: In the berachah Re-eh Na, I ended by mistakenly saying "Ga-al Yisroel" (redeemed us in the past) instead of the way it is written "Go-el Yisroel" (present, Who redeems Israel. It is probably the most often mistaken pronunciation I hear from the amud. (To a less degree, people say "L'shanay afar" instead of "lee-shai-nay afar." I would assume if I hear the mistake from the amud, who knows how many people mispronounce the word. (Or is there a liturgy that states "Ga'al Yisroel?) Indeed, if we want Hashem to redeem us, we should bear in mind that He is the One Who will redeem us. I write this just as a reminder to be careful when pronouncing the words of our tefilos. Chag Kasher V'sameach. S.Wise ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <MPoppers@...> (Michael Poppers) Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:00:29 -0500 Subject: Re: L'Maan Achai V'Rayai >From M-J V42#33: > Our community.... < For those who are interested, that would be the greater (including North Elizabeth and Hillside) Elizabeth, NJ community. All the best from a fellow member of "our community," -- Michael Poppers via RIM pager ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Leah Perl Shollar <leahperl@...> Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 21:00:08 -0500 Subject: Lo Shinu et Leshonam My question is about a quote from Reb Moshe Feinstein Ztz'l. Someone told me they had heard an interesting explanation from Reb Moshe about the "lo shinu et leshonam" phrase of the four things that BN'Y did to merit redemption from Israel. According to Reb Moshe, lo shinu doesn't mean that they DIDN'T speak Egyptian, but rather that they didn't change their "style" of speech: I.e. refined, polite, no vulgar language, etc., Has anyone seen this explanation personally, and if so, where? Thanks, Leah Perl Shollar ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Charlie Hafner <rebcharles@...> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 22:40:35 -0500 Subject: New Sefer: Tziyurim L'Mseches Kinim My brother, Shlomo Hafner, has put together a new Sefer, along the same lines of his previous Tziyurim L'Mseches Yevamos. It is available in manuscript format at www.insureback.com/kinim. Any input or comments are appreciated. thx Charlie Hafner ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Seth & Sheri Kadish <skadish@...> Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 17:46:17 +0200 Subject: Orhot Zaddikim - new text This post is for those who love sifrei musar of the rishonim. In Orhot Zaddikim at the end of Sha`ar ha-Zekhirah, the anonymous author wrote: "Ve-simmanei kelalot ha-middot ha-ketuvim be-sof ha-sefer -- yahazor be-khol yom pa`amayim, ve-yivdok azmo tamid im kizer le-kayyem ha-middot, `ad she-yehe ragil likah mi-kol middah ha-tov she-bah." (Text cited according to manuscripts; the printed version of this passage differs substantially.) "As for the summaries of the main principles of the character traits which are written at the end of the book - let [the reader] review them twice a day, always checking himself as to whether he is lacking in fulfilling the character traits, until he accustoms himself to take what is good from each character trait." These simanim (summaries) are missing in all printed editions of Orhot Zaddikim, and even in most of the manuscripts from before the book was printed. However, they survive in the earliest manuscript of all, a 5190 (1430) transcription kept in the library of the University of Warsaw, which has only been available since the late 1990s. I recently finished editing an electronic text of the simanim from that manuscript, which I want to make it available to those who would like to read it. It will soon become available online IYH along with some supplementary material (possibly including parts of the manuscript itself). When that happens I will post another note. In the meantime, anyone who would like a copy in the meantime send me a note. Seth (Avi) Kadish ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Batya Medad <ybmedad@...> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 12:48:00 +0200 Subject: Pesach -- relaxed requirements Sorry, but there's a problem with your subject. One must distinguish between the requirements and the "extras" (spring cleaning.) The rabbis who are poskening to clean less haven't reduced the anti-chometz requirements, which is what Pesach cleaning is really about. They're just saying that your shower curtains have nothing to do with chametz, the same for the dust, bedroom windows etc. The kitchen is the focal point; that's where the food is prepared, and unless you take the kitchen windows out of the frames and serve on them, they, too, can be skipped. Batya ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carl Singer <casinger@...> Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 04:58:59 -0500 Subject: Pesach -- relaxed requirements >Carl Singer wrote with respect to cleaning for Pesach: > ><<There are many differing halachic viewpoints and scores of different >minhagim and family traditions re: Pesach. Granted many people go >beyond what others would consider to be halachic minimums when it comes >to preparing for Shabbos, Yom Tov AND Pesach.>> > >I think Carl misses the point. There is nothing intrinsically "wrong" >with cleaning more than is minimally necessary for Pesach. What is wrong >is using the excuse of the unnneeded cleaning as a reason to justify >making Yom Tov of Pesach a vacation destination. > >My own very subjective thought is that it is better to clean less and be >able to have extended family together celebrating and experiencing the >seder and yom tov at home, rather than spending the holiday sun bathing >or worrying about when the tea room opens or my tee time. > >David I. Cohen David is missing MY point -- I'm NOT addressing Pesach vacations, etc. - I'm not about to tell others what to do re: same. I'm taking umbrage with anyone proclaiming that THEY have THE halachic answer re: Pesach cleaning (on anything else, for that matter) and others are thus ignorant. In this case wasting their time by cleaning beyond this proclaimed halachic benchmark. Carl Singer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Russell J Hendel <rjhendel@...> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 22:16:11 -0500 Subject: RE: Reason for discontinuing the TRANSLATING leining custom Thanks to Martin Stern in v42n27 for mentioning all the beautiful Temani customs. One subtle point: Martin mentions >>When Ashkenazim abandoned reading the targum<< I heard from the Rav (Rabbi Joseph Baer Soloveitchick) the reason for this abandonment. Recall that 8-10 centuries ago it was "in vogue" for Christians to try and prove Christianity from the Torah itself (In our own time this has fallen out of vogue due to the successful refutations of our many scholars). So, after the exodus from Babel (Where Aramaic was spoken) the only way to continue the Meturgeman tradition (translating the Bible verse by verse) was to use current-language-translations. But if you lived in a rural area there was a danger than a current-language-translation would have hidden in them many christological references---the church could then turn around and demand conversion on penalty of death if these rural Jewish communities could not answer the Christian arguments from the BIblical text. The Rav explained that the TRANSLATION CUSTOM was discontinued to avoid these very real problems, The Taymani community I believe lived in Arab lands and this problem was not prevelant there (That is the Arabs did not try and prove their case from our Torah). In passing the Shulchan Aruch allows use of Rashi to satisfy the INDIVIDUAL requirement to read with a translation. Russell Jay Hendel; http://www.Rashiyomi.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Joel Wiesen <wiesen@...> Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 13:18:27 -0500 Subject: Seder Tidbits: on Brachot Again this year many of our seder guests will be repeats (I'm happy to say), so again I'm looking for little tidbits to sprinkle in to keep attention and teach. I ran across one recently in an Artscroll book on Brachos by Forst (pg 239). Sefardic Jews customarily say mezonos over matza during the year. Only on Pesach do they say hamotze. This interesting tidbit has the potential of leading into an exploration of what defines bread and what bracha to say on crackers. Can you suggest other unusual aspects of various brachot at the seder? Yehuda ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Batya Medad <ybmedad@...> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 22:29:54 +0200 Subject: Sfirat Omer reminders? Last year I received email reminders for Sfirat Haomer. They were fantastically helpful. I don't remember from where. Does anyone know? Batya ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: <MJGerver@...> (Mike Gerver) Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 04:50:33 EST Subject: Re: Tootsie Rolls Richard Dine asks, in v42n33, > Are Tootsie Rolls Kosher? They obviously have not Hechsher on them but > I did not think there was a concern until someone mentioned it to me. About 20 years ago, my grandfather's cousin, Philip Sedell, who worked for many years for Tootsie Roll, told me that they used no non-kosher ingredients, although they had no hechsher. I don't know what the present situation is. Mike Gerver Raanana, Israel ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Shayna Kravetz <skravetz@...> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 23:18:21 -0500 Subject: Re: Tootsie Rolls >Are Tootsie Rolls Kosher? They obviously have not Hechsher on them but >I did not think there was a concern until someone mentioned it to me. www.kashrut.org lists them as kosher dairy. Kol tuv and a freilach and kosher Pesach from Shayna Kravetz ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Carl Singer <casinger@...> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 07:28:25 -0500 Subject: Tootsie Rolls Their website www.tootsie.com has lots of information, at www.tootsie.com/nutrition.html which lists their nutritional information (the column on the far right side is "Kosher") a few of their products (Charleston Chew, Cella's and Andes) are listed as KD or circle KD -- there is no such marking after Tootsie Rolls. But I wanted to point out that a very well respected Rabbi who works for a major kashruth organization often quips that "when I was a boy, Tootsie Rolls were Kosher" -- meaning that no one questioned most candies. Today, since even water has kosher certification, things have changed. Carl Singer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Alan Friedenberg <elshpen@...> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 06:15:57 -0800 (PST) Subject: Tootsie Rolls Tootsie Rolls are not kosher. I once e-mailed the company about it, and the response was that they re-evaluate kosher certification a few times a year. Alan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Janice Gelb <j_gelb@...> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:08:03 -0800 (PST) Subject: RE: Tootsie Rolls I couldn't find anything about their kashrut, but I did find the following on a (l'havdil) halal information site: Whey in Tootsie Roll Questionable (February 4, 2004) After numerous inquiries regarding Tootsie Roll candies, eat-halal.com has found that the status of the whey in the candies is questionable. According to a Tootsie Roll representative, the whey in the candies may be made using either animal or non- animal derived ingredients. -- Janice ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Elie Rosenfeld <erosenfe@...> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 16:06:07 -0500 Subject: Yetziv Pisgam In Vol. 42 #27, Martin Stern writes > The same applies to yetsiv pitgam which is also an introduction to the > targum on the haftarah. I'm glad this was mentioned because it gives me an excuse to mention a theory of mine concerning Yetziv Pisgam. (I guess this is somewhat timely since if Pesach is next week, Shavous can't be that far behind!) Anyway, as Martin mentions Yetziv Pisgam is a piyyut [liturgical poem] in praise of Yonasan Ben Uzziel, who wrote the targum [Aramaic translation] on neviim [Prophets]. Yetziv Pisgam is chanted after the first pasuk [verse] of the haftarah because it introduces the meturgaman [translator] who, in earlier times, would translate each pasuk of the haftarah into Aramaic after it was read in the original Hebrew. My question is, why specifically is this piyyut read on the second day of Shavous? My answer is based on the famous mishnah of Ain Dorshin which indicates that certain very deep and inscrutable sections in the torah/tanach are not to be translated or taught in too open a matter. One of these is the "maaseh merkava", the description of the heavenly chariot and image of Hashem's glory, in Chapter 1 of Ezekiel. Now, this chapter is actually read as the haftarah on the *first* day of Shavuos. Thus, as per Ain Dorshin, the haftarah was not *allowed* to be translated that day, so the meturgaman had the day off, if you will. Therefore, at the haftarah on the *second* day of Shavous, we recite Yetziv Pisgam to re-introduce and praise the meturgaman who was conspicuously absent the day before! I think this explanation is original - at least, I have looked in a significant number of siddurim that discuss Yetziv Pisgam and have never seen it given. Has anyone come across this explanation in a written source? Thanks, Elie Rosenfeld ----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of Volume 42 Issue 35