Volume 55 Number 95 Produced: Tue Dec 4 6:28:43 EST 2007 Subjects Discussed In This Issue: Z'manim [Michael Frankel] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Michael Frankel <michaeljfrankel@...> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 18:01:24 -0500 Subject: Z'manim There are a variety of opinions on absolutely everything associated with Alos Hashshachar starting with just what is it anyway, how is it calculated, sho'os z'maniyos or not,etc. in fact, it is a far more confusing halakhic state that that attending what you might think would be its physically symmetric complement in the evening transition from daylight to darkness. some of the responses to date in this forum, while informative, also contain information i believe to be incorrect. so let me have a pass at sorting through the issues, at least as they appear to me. this is kind of a companion/complemetary piece to a previous note i once posted on evening z'manim (MJ, Vol 53:#57). 1. What is Alos Hashshachar (AH) anyway? By consensus, it's the very first lightening (reddening) of the night sky in the east = "hey'ir mizroch". This - the first "spot" of reddening - is (perhaps) to be distinguished from a closely related condition - "hay'ir kol mizroch" where the entire eastern sky has achieved some reddening and occurs (a few minutes) later. however not all acharonim make such distinction between "hay'ir" and "hay'ir kol" and equate AH with the latter. This interpretation of AH is implicit in the direct translation; AH = "lifting of the darkness". It emphatically has nothing to do with the "rise" of the "morning star" which may (or may not. it's a machloqes - surprise) be identified with the phrase "ayeles hashshachar". rashi however is confusing because, while he too equates AH with hay'ir mizroh per the consensus, in other contexts ( e.g. B. M'nochos 68a) he equates AH with Honetz (sunrise). 2. Sho'os Z'maniyos or Not? Basically - yes. I am uncertain where Dr. Gewirtz who, i think, asserted the contrary is citing from (DG: "alot does not vary with shaot zemaniot - that commonly held opinion is asserted by multiple poskim going back almost 400 years"), but it seems clear to me that alos must be calculated with z'maniyos "hours" according to all (possible exception of the rosh) classic sources and almost all modern sources. (we'll get to the how in just a moment). thus the rambam explicitly states "v'dah, ki kol sh'os hannizkoros b'khol hammishnoh, haim hashsho'os hazz'maniyos" (Peirush Hammishnayos, B. B'rokhos 1:2. (of course, alos doesn' vary with z'maniyos in the sense that the rambam (and other) shiurim are a fixed number of "hours". but the length of that "hour" varies from day to day, and thus so does AH. perhaps that's what DG meant in which case i wouldn't disagree) The rambam is also brought l'halokhoh by the Remoh (O"H 233). while it is true that a number of acharonim do suggest theoretically that these hours should be fixed -and perhaps this is the source of Dr. Gewirtz's assertion. these include R. Y. Emden, the p'nei yehoshua, the miskinos yaacov and couple of others-, however in practice, even most of these defer to the rambam and remoh's ruling in the matter. typical is the mishkinos yaacov who, after summarizing his argument for "fixed" hours, nevertheless concludes with "v'choliloh lonu l'horos kain neged harambam". This consensus for sho'os z'maniyos is reviewed and summarized by R. Moshe Feinstein in Igros Moshe, O"H (2), s'20, who also rules very emphatically for z'maniyos. So it's z'maniyos by a large consensus. 3. How do we compute Alos Hashshachar? To execute this calcualtion, two choices must first be fixed from a smorgasbord of options. One parameter that needs fixing is the legnth of the sh'oh z'manis to be used for the dayte in question - which in turn depends on a choice of between different options available to calculate it. the second choice which must be fixed is that of the preferred shitoh which decrees just how many sho'os z'maniyos must be counted - starting backwards from sunrise - until Alos Hashshachar. We consider these decisions in reverse order: a) what is the number of sho'os z'maniyos between AH and Honetz (or Henetz). The g'moroh is p'sochim 93b-94a declares the time beteween AH and Honetz to be either 4 or 5 mil. this translates into a few different shitos (actually a lot more , given the universe of different estimates of the mil, but we only list the more prevalent ones). 1) 1.2 "hours" (i.e. 72 minutes, at 4 mil x 18 min/mil) which is the shiur given by the rambam in the previously cited source in peirush hammishnayos. this corresponds 9at the equinoxes) to a depression of the sun below the horizon of 16.1 deg. 2) 1.5 "hours" (90 minutes = 4 mil x 22.5 min/mil) corresponding to a solar depression of 19.6 deg, 3) 2 full "hours" (120 minutes = 5 mil x 24 min/mil) corresponding to a solar depression of almost 26 deg. 4) R. David Tzvi Hoffman, the poseiq for Germany prior to WWI, rules that AH is taken when the sun reaches -18 deg depression, which would translate to about an 86 minute shiur. b) How long is a Sh'oh Z'manis? Poorly worded, since it varies from day to day. real question is how to calculate it each day. answer to that is there are two main shitos; that of the Gaonim and that of T'rumas Haddeshen (an early - 15th cent. - acharon). (i) Gaonic Shitoh: (also subscribed by, inter alia, the Gra, L'vush, R. Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. also by the Shulchon Aruch, at last according to Minchas Cohen). take the time from honetz till sh'qi'oh ( i.e. sunrise - sunset) on each day and divide by 12. (ii) T'rumas Haddeshen: (also rashi, tosofos, rashboh, bach, mogein avrohom. also the Shulchon Aruch, according to mishnoh b'ruroh). Take time from AH until tzais hakkokhovim, and divide by 12. i.e. a larger "hour". You can see the opportunity here for wildly proliferating shitos depending on your choice to fix AH per previous paragraph, coupled to choice of different shitos in tzais hakkokhovim as well - the latter which i won't take an excursion to review here (some are detailed in my previous note of MJ 53:57). according to r. chaim bainish - whose work on z'manim i have used to compile the list of shitos who line up with either gaonim or t'rumas haddeshen that i cited above - the minhog in Lita and Russia followed the gaonim while elsewhere, including eretz yisroel, it followed t'rumas haddeshen. 4. What is earliest time to perform mitsvos hayyom? t'filin, q'rias sh'ma, and tzitzis - all involve a "seeing" (u'r'eesem osom). thus they all techically require a shiur of "me sheyyaqir". i.e. light enough to recognize something . either a) between blue and white, or b) your friend's face at 4 amos (different shiurim - perhaps. in practice not). this "me sheyaqqir" is some stage after AH, with very little published guidance by poskim on just what that shiur might be. r. bainish cites three minhogim prevalent in different locations in eretz yisroel; variously 60 minutes, 52 minutes, and 45 minutes before honetz. but it would seem just as reasonable, especially for b'nei chutz lo'oretz with no fixed minhog hammoqom, to determine the number experimentally for themselves. that said - i.e. that the shiur is at "me sheyyaqir" - we nevertheless have two other times cited for these mitzvos which also work, better or worse. working better than "me sheyaqqir" is the shulchon aruch's advice to nevertheless time it so you consumate your mitzvoh with sunrise - as do the the vosikin. this is termed a mitsvoh min hammuvchor. on the other end of desirability is the permission of all the pos'qim to begin your mitsvoh with AH, if it's a sh'as hadd'choq - some emergency or very pressing situation. 5. A note on the asymmetry between the periods AH-Sunrise, and Sunset - Tzais Hakkokhovim. of course there a big fat glaring halakhic asymmetry between the periods AH-Honetz and Sh'qioh-Tzais. to wit - no one ever bothered to identify a bain hashsh'moshos period for the former. but i have also seen it asserted that there is at least a physical symmetry between the two (i..e that they should take the same amount of time to achieve the same amount of darkness-light transition) this is clearly not true - at least in principle. this for at least two reasons, one of them fairly trivial. the first, trivial reason, is thsat there is a delta in time between the two events in a single day. crudely speaking there is a 12 hour differential and the earth is about 1/729th further along its orbital path, or possibly 1/364th between its maximum and minum day-night transition period (i know it's not linear but i'm only trying to get a feel for the magnitudes). looking up the US navy tables for the latitude of silver spring, i see the difference between max and min trasition period is about a half hour (i took night to be equal to astronomical twilight, at 18 deg solar depression, also R. DZHoffman's shitoh). so a 12 hour delay translates into about a five second intrinsic difference. not a lot to be sure, but enough to establish tohe principle of asymmetry. a more significant reason lies in the role of the atmosphere. the degree of refraction of sunlight when below the horizon depends on the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere. published tables are never really "true" since they must assume some averaged atmosphere, whereas random variations may contribute up to afew minutes variation in actuual, observed refraction. riding on top of the random variation in this case is a systematic variation. i.e. in the morning, th eatmosphere is colder, denser, and lower. i have no data in hand to estimate this effect - nor have i seen it remarked in published works - but simple comnsideration of the physics involved convinces me it must be a real effect and might well amoun to a couple of mutes variation between the morning and evening transiiton periods. I assume such considerations are folded into the navy tables, but in any event, it is clear that the morning and evening transition times cannot be the same. 6. Burn thise Luchos; a modest halakhic suggestion Basically a luach publisher can do whatever he wants. in Israel where z'manim calculated by R.Y.M. Tokachinsky were popular, i wonder how many were disturbed in the 1920s when he suddenly switched qall his tzais calculations from on ebased on the appearance of three stars to one based on a fully dark sky. so a general complaint i have about luchos is that no one ever really knows their provenance. there are so many different shitos related to z'manim that are possible - we have recounted only a few of the possible variations here - that it is practically impossible to tell what some essentially anonymous luach is based on - and perhaps we wouldn't much like that shitoh if we knew. here q"q silver spring MD, the Chabad calendar and luach are particularly popular. Not because anyone has the slightest idea of how any of the z'manim were arrived at, but because of the nice artwork and it's just the right size for posting in the kitchen and scrawling notes in the individual day-boxes. there was a general communal wailing and gnashing of teeth a few years back when the chabadistas in charge of distribution were late getting their calendars out to the local communities and after rosh hashshonoh we had nowhere to write our kitchen notes. please don't rat us out to david berger. anyway - herewith my suggestion. let's burn the various published luchos and go back to eyeballing th eskies the way we used to do when i was a kid -at least for tzais. (no way was i getting up in time to eyeball AH, and - ok, ok - so keep a luach locked away in a closet somewhere as backup for cloudy days). This automatically corrects all concerns and justified confusion over which is the correct shitoh for calculating AH, and also corrects for real-time atmospheric conditions which no luach of whatever shitoh can ever hope to do. besides it's more fun. Mechy Frankel <michael.frankel@...> <michaeljfrankel@...> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
End of Volume 55 Issue 95