Volume 12 Number 03
                       Produced: Wed Mar  2 12:42:51 1994

Subjects Discussed In This Issue: 

Attack in London, England
         [Yoni Leci]
BEER - is it kosher?
         [Konstantin (Yehuda) Weiner]
Fax Machines on Shabbat
         [Joseph Steinberg]
Holocaust Museum and Kohanim
         [Eric W. Mack]
Kippot and Davening
         [Yechiel Pisem]
Kosher for Pesach Oil
         [Daniel Geretz]
Lists of kosher food products (2)
         [Miriam Nadel, Avi Feldblum]
Matsot of Oats
         [Hillel Steiner]
         [Sol Stokar]
Prayer for Rain "Ve-Aneinu"
         [Aryeh Frimer]
Purim meshulash
         [Dana-Picard Noah]
Time-dependant Mitzvot
         [Warren Burstein]


From: Yoni Leci <te2005@...>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 23:26:03 -0500
Subject: Attack in London, England

Following the attack in Hebron on Friday, the Scout hut of Edgware
shul (London, England) was broken into and wrecked.

Swastikas were also daubed on a local path which many Jews use to go
to shul on shabbat.



From: Konstantin (Yehuda) Weiner <weiner@...>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 00:41:13 -0500
Subject: BEER - is it kosher?

My understanding was that all foods (and drinks) are presumed to be 
non-kosher unless explicitly testified to the contrary by some trusworthy 
person or organization. [Except for, maybe, foods that cannot be suspected 
of being TREIF by nature of their preparation and component ingredients.]
Does anyone know what's deal with beer? [Most of] it does not have any 
HEKHSHER, but on the other hand it seems to be widely acceptable as 
KOSHER drink. Any helpfull comments and/or suggestions are very welcome!



From: Joseph Steinberg <steinber@...>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 1994 11:15:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Fax Machines on Shabbat

From: Steven Friedell <friedell@...>

> Is there any problem with leaving one's fax machine on over shabbat?  Is
> there any problem with sending a fax on Friday from the states to Israel
> where it will be received on Shabbat?  Thanks.  -Steve Friedell

I was told by one of the Rashei Yeshiva in YU that it is permitted to
send a FAX to Israel on Friday afternoon -- even if you know that the
recipient will receive it on Shabbat (as this is automatic) and EVEN IF
(i.e., will use the document on Shabbat in a prohibited manner)

During the Gulf War we were told that one may call the USA from ISrael
on Saturday night (Shabbat in the USA) to leave a message on an
answering machine AS LONG AS no operator is asked to assist with the
call (you dial direct) and you are sure no one will pick up the phone on
the other end.  This may have been only for times of unusual
circumstances (like war)...  The p'sak was from HaGaon Harav Meir
Schlesinger (Founder & Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshivat Sha'alvim)....

           |  Joseph (Yosi) Steinberg       |              <steinber@...>
  Shalom   |  972 Farragut Drive            |  <jstein@...>
  Uvracha! |  Teaneck, NJ 07666-6614        |               <jsteinb@...>
           |  United States of America      |       Tel: +1-201-833-YOSI(9674)


From: <ce157@...> (Eric W. Mack)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 23:51:39 -0500
Subject: Holocaust Museum and Kohanim

Keeping in mind that this list does not pasken, can anybody advise
me whether a Kohen may visit the Holocaust Museum?

Eric Mack and/or Cheryl Birkner Mack


From: Yechiel Pisem <ypisem@...>
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 94 13:17:55 -0500
Subject: Re: Kippot and Davening

> From: <sauls@...> (Saul Schwartz)
> Subject: kippot and davening

> As my sons have become bar mitzvah and gone on to yeshivot the
> discussion of the need to wear a hat during davening has become more
> "focused". Together, we have learned the Mishnah Brurah (91:12) where he
> says that one needs to dress as one would to meet an important person
> (i.e. with a hat - not a kippah). I am wondering if anyone has seen or
> heard any recent "tshuvot", comments, etc, in regard to the
> permissibility of wearing a kippah during davening, as is the practice
> of my sons' father. :)

The Mishnah Berurah states more than was quoted (or so my Rebbi said).  He
says that there are a few relevant points:
A>When one is in the presence of his Rebbi or, for that matter, a talmid
chochom, if he is wearing Tefillin he is required to cover both his head and
the knot (Kesher) on the back of the Tefillin Shel Rosh.
B>A hat has the designations of chashivus [importance] and beged
meyuchad litefillah [a garment specifically for prayer].
However, it is _not_ Asur 100% to daven without a hat.
(That was all quoting my Rebbi).
Yechiel Pisem


From: imsasby!<dgeretz@...> (Daniel Geretz)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 23:51:52 -0500
Subject: Kosher for Pesach Oil

Each year, it seems that only cottonseed oil is widely available (in the
US) with a Kosher for Pesach certification (peanut oil is also usually
available, although many people hold that it should not be used).

I have heard that some people do not like to use cottonseed oil since it
is not grown for food and certain pesticides are used, the residue of
which is in the oil and is probably not good to eat.

Is there a reason that olive oil (last time I checked, olives weren't
kitniyot) couldn't be used?  Why do we have resort to *cottonseed* for
our Kosher for Pesach oil when we (I mean companies like Rokeach,
Manischewitz, et. al.) could manufacture it from olives instead?

Does anyone know where Kosher for Pesach olive oil can be procured
(unless there is some reason not to use it)?

Daniel Geretz
imsasby!<dgeretz@...> (preferred)
or <dgeretz@...> 


From: Miriam Nadel <nadel@...>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 07:47:16 PST
Subject: Lists of kosher food products

While I don't know of e-mail lists of kosher food products, I have a
caveat regarding any such list which would be created.  There are
relatively frequent changes in the status of products.  Not for any one
product, but if one were to compile, say, a list of products with the
O-U, keeping up with additions and deletions would be a substantial job.
It also seems a bit risky with respect to the problem of different
manufacturing plants, some of which may have a hechsher and some of
which may not.  (This last one comes up, for example, every year at
Pesach, when some bottlers of soft drinks have a hechsher at some
bottling plants and not others.  Just because the syrup is kosher,
doesn't mean you can trust the finished soda.)

That doesn't mean such a list is bad - just that I am concerned about
the use it might be put to without such warnings made explicit.

Miriam Nadel

From: mljewish (Avi Feldblum)
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 12:41:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Lists of kosher food products

Miriam's concerns are well expressed, and I think the true value in
email based lists of kosher products will be when we are able to arrange
for the major Kashrut organizations to upload their databases on a
regular basis to an area that is queriable by the Kosher consumers. 

Avi Feldblum


From: Hillel Steiner <HSTEINER@...>
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 00:39:47 -0500
Subject: Matsot of Oats

For those in Israel who are in need of oat matsa for medical reasons,
contact Judy and Pinchus Cooper at 02-617090.  They have a limited
amount of oat matsas, both hand-made and machine.


From: <sol@...> (Sol Stokar)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 23:25:43 -0500
Subject: Ostriches

	A number of readers mentioned ostrich farms in Israel. I recall
two others: one in Mitzpe Ramon and the other in Ein HaBesor. Last Hol
HaMoed Pessah (the intermediate days of Passover) I took my family for a
wonderful "tiyul" (trip) to Eshkol Park in the western Negev. We took a
donkey ride around the park (which is the second largest nature preserve
in Israel, second only to the Carmel park) and the "moshavnik" operating
the donkey concession pointed out in the distance the ostrichs on the
farm run by a fellow farmer from the moshav "Ein HaBesor". He explained
us that the meat of ostriches was considered non-kosher and was sold
abroad. He also told us an amusing story. He had named one of his
donkeys "Bilam". Recently, a religious family like my own had come to
the park and gone for a ride on his donkeys. (He himself was
non-observant). He told me that he was very insulted that the children
continually refered to his donkey as "Bilam harasha" (Bilam the wicked).
He took it as a personal insult! I explained to him that the children
were only using the traditional epithet ascribed to Bilam and didn't
intend anything "personal" against his dear donkey.

Dr. Saul Stokar
Phone: (972)-4-579-217			Phone: (972)-9-914-637
Fax: (972)-4-575-593
e-mail: <sol@...>


From: Aryeh Frimer <F66235@...>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 94 23:25:38 -0500
Subject: Prayer for Rain "Ve-Aneinu"

     For the past couple of months, we in Israel have been saying a
special prayer for rain - because the rainy season started off slowly.
(It's recently picked up). In any case, nearly all texts have the
passage "ve-haser mimenu...me'oraot ra'ot ve-kashot..." (save us from
evil occurences). The problem is that the word "me-ora" is masculine.
Hence it should be "me-oraot ra'im ve-kashim". Indeed, that is the
reading in the Rinat Yisrael Siddur. Nevertheless, nearly every other
siddur I've seen, including the Olat Reiyah of Rav Kook Zatsal has "raot
vekashot".  Has anyone looked into this?
     The other interesting thing about this prayer is that it is added
to Shma koleinu (the catch-all benediction) rather than bareikh aleinu?
Curious. Perhaps this is because it includes a variety of requests  -
peace, health, wealth, prevention of turmoil in the world, divine mercy
- not only rain. Unfortunately, the prayer is extremely relevant.


From: <dana@...> (Dana-Picard Noah)
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 94 14:51:35 +0200
Subject: Purim meshulash

In answer to J. Landau's question (v12#01):
In Jerusalem, we did not say Tahanun on sunday, 16th of Adar. Neither
did we say al-hanissim but in the birkat hamazon of seudat Purim.

Th. Dana-Picard


From: <warren@...> (Warren Burstein)
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 1994 13:54:16 GMT
Subject: Re: Time-dependant Mitzvot

Rabbi Yacov Barber writes:

    I have seen various Achronim who explain it in the following
    manner that the Kol Bo was only explaining the gezars hakosuv

    The Pardes Yosef ( Breishis 2,2 ) writes that it is to be considerd a
    "Lo Plug" that the Chazal did not differentiate between a married
    woman and others.

If the exemption of women from time-dependent mitzvot is a gezerat
hakatuv how can we say of it that "Chazal did not differentiate"?

 |warren@      But the Kibo
/ nysernet.org is not all that ***.


End of Volume 12 Issue 3